A Better Wisconsin Together Statements on January 6 Insurrection Anniversary
Today, one year after the insurrection, we remember that attack on our fundamental freedom to vote and call for those responsible to be held to account.
Today, one year after the insurrection, we remember that attack on our fundamental freedom to vote and call for those responsible to be held to account.
A New Year brings the same old attacks on the freedom to vote by Republicans in the Wisconsin state legislature.
Robin Vos is ending 2021 not looking forward to 2022 but continuing to obsess over the long ago decided 2020 election.
The right-wing justices on the Supreme Court took the Republicans’ side in accepting their argument to protect their 2011 gerrymander.
Thank you to the members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), Administrator Wolfe and staff for holding this meeting today on the report of the recent Legislative Audit Bureau.
A Better Wisconsin Together is sponsoring a digital ad and demanding an end to a costly and wasteful sham election inquiry authorized by Assembly Republicans.
Democrats have taken another big step forward on delivering on their promise to build back better from the pandemic and delivering on change.
Kyle Rittenhouse is a militant who armed himself, travelled across state lines, and caused irreparable harm to his victims and their families.
Gov. Tony Evers vetoed the latest Republican attempts to undermine our freedom to vote and sabotage the results of our elections.
resident Joe Biden today signed into law a promised bipartisan deal making needed investments in our nation's infrastructure.
Republican gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch today unveiled yet another scheme targeting the freedom to vote in Wisconsin.
Our frontline workers should have the freedom to use their voice on the job, to have input on their working conditions and bargain together on wages and benefits.
Wisconsinites can cast their ballots and have our voices heard in free and fair elections, thanks to our election heroes.
Governor Tony Evers was right to tell the Republicans to go back to the drawing board and produce fair maps.
Rebecca Kleefisch’s comments are the latest in a series of disturbingly radical public pronouncements.
President Biden and Democrats are delivering a plan that will restore some fairness to our economy.
Republican gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch said she’ll take a shower with steel wool the day after the election because of what she’d do to try to win.
Ron Johnson Casts Vote Against Even Allowing Debate on National Standards for Elections.
MADISON, Wis. — Every day there’s a new twist and turn to the blundered Republican sham election review, led by disgraced ex-justice Michael Gableman. With that in mind, A Better Wisconsin Together is launching a new website with a comprehensive documentation of the ongoing failures of the sham election review. The never-ending sequence of lies and […]
Regardless of our gender, race, or income, we all believe that people should have the freedom to make their own personal and life-changing decisions. But a handful of conservative activists, like Rebecca Kleefisch and certain members of the Supreme Court, are threatening that freedom.
In the face of a pandemic and unprecedented attacks on our public schools, teachers have been showing up for students every day. Teachers, and all public sector and frontline workers, deserve a say in their workplaces over their wages, working conditions, and benefits.
he alarming behavior by Rebecca Kleefisch is starting to pile up. Instead of sharing a plan to address the pandemic, she divides, distracts, and blames others. She has sprinted to the hard right, adopting unpopular, damaging positions, including advocating for a 6 week abortion ban, similar to the law recently enacted in Texas. Now, she continues to show who she is by the company she keeps. We deserve leaders who advocate for family-supporting policies, not champions of the right-wing disinformation brigade.
It’s telling that most of what Rebecca Kleefisch has said about her plan to address COVID-19 is about what she wouldn’t do. Wisconsinites are looking for leadership and a clear plan, not blame and deflection. It’s becoming obvious what the Kleefisch plan to address COVID is—ignore it.
MADISON, Wis. — On Thursday, the People’s Maps Commission released draft maps for Wisconsin’s Assembly, Senate, and Congressional districts. After a lengthy and transparent process where thousands of Wisconsinites were able to make their voices heard in the community districting process, this is a big first step towards passing fair maps. After a period of additional […]
Voters should pick their leaders, not the other way around. Unfortunately, Republicans have failed to put forward a positive agenda for our state, so it’s no wonder they’re trying to rig the rules to evade accountability.
Whatever our color, background, or zip code, in America we value our freedom. The freedom to have a say in decisions that impact our lives—from curbing the pandemic to creating jobs to making health care affordable. Our vote is our say in our collective future. With that in mind, today, National Voter Registration Day, is a great day to update your voter registration or remind friends and family members who may not be registered to do so
MADISON, Wis. — Republican state legislators face a choice on Tuesday as their right-wing party bosses ask them to vote for a proposal aimed at preserving Wisconsin’s rigged legislative district lines. In 2011, Wisconsin Republicans enacted one of the most gerrymandered state legislative district plans in the nation, with the goal of cementing their power and […]
Even Patience Roggensack and Annette Ziegler cannot persuade Patience Roggensack and Annette Ziegler out of partisan hackery.
We’re calling on our elected officials to work towards more family-supporting jobs, fully-funded public education, and an immigration system that treats new Americans with humanity and dignity.
The law enacted in Texas is an egregious assault on women's reproductive freedom, bodily autonomy, and control over their own futures. Rebecca Kleefisch declared that she wants to bring that grisly reality to Wisconsin.
Instead of division and distraction, we need elected officials that can meet this moment and deliver steady leadership and economic relief for working people. Her record begs the question: is Rebecca for real?
This Labor Day, we recognize the achievements of the American worker and stand in solidarity with unions.