Let Your Voice Be Heard: In-person Early Voting Begins This Week
Be prepared, make sure you have what you need

MADISON, Wis. — As of this week, the February 15 spring primary election in Wisconsin is just two weeks away. This means that starting Tuesday, early in-person voting can officially begin. It also means it’s time to make your plan to cast your ballot.
While two weeks ahead of an election is the earliest allowable time frame for municipalities to commence in-person early voting, rules and times for early voting can vary depending on where in Wisconsin you live.
That’s why it’s important to confirm where and when your early ballot can be cast. You can double check your local voting regulations and a list of what you should bring to the polls, here: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/Vote-Absentee-In-Person
Exactly what and who is on your ballot will also vary depending on where you live. Though, most Wisconsinites can expect to see an array of local races on their spring primary ballot, including candidates for county and municipal office, judicial and school board positions.
“There’s a lot on the line in Wisconsin’s elections this year, making it imperative that every voice – across all backgrounds, zip codes, and income levels – is heard,” commented Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together. “The upcoming elections for local offices in our cities, villages and towns and on our local courts and school boards in February and April this year are as important as any other.”
“The spring primary election coming up on February 15 is an opportunity for us to make change and to make our voices heard on issues that affect our families and our communities,” Walloch added. “Right now – both nationally and here in Wisconsin – we’re dealing with ever fluctuating attacks on our freedom to vote. This week, show your local leaders that you value that freedom by casting your ballot early.”