
Republican Politicians Attend NRA Convention Instead of Addressing Common Sense Gun Law

This weekend, Republican politicians in Wisconsin, including Attorney General candidate Eric Toney and conservative state legislators, will join in at the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) state conference - all while families across the nation are still gathered in mourning the toll of gun violence massacres in New York, Texas, and other local communities and common sense gun safety reform laws languish.

Celebrating Pride, Continuing Work for Equality

Call, tweet, and write your local legislators and other elected officials to let them know Wisconsinites are unified in support for the LGBTQ+ community, today and every day.

Uvalde: When is Enough, Enough?

As we join in mourning another senseless gun violence massacre, aghast at the sorrow of the parents and loved ones of the children and teachers who were lost in Uvalde, we also join in raising our voices and demanding action.

Teacher Appreciation Week

During teacher appreciation week, and all year long, we must stand up for Wisconsin teachers, and say Thank You for all they do for our kids.

Election Clerks: People We Know, Neighbors We Trust

And take some time this week to say ‘thank you’ to your local election clerk. It’s the least we can do for the people who – day in and day out – are laying the groundwork to protect our freedom to safely and securely cast our ballots.

Seeing Green on Arbor Day

No matter our zip code, age, or party line, most of us know the importance of protecting our local nature in Wisconsin and - on Arbor Day - especially our trees.

Wisconsinites Deserve Fair Maps

No matter our zip code or party line, most of us in Wisconsin can agree that voters should choose their elected officials - not the other way around.