
Teacher Appreciation Week

During teacher appreciation week, and all year long, we must stand up for Wisconsin teachers, and say Thank You for all they do for our kids.

Election Clerks: People We Know, Neighbors We Trust

And take some time this week to say ‘thank you’ to your local election clerk. It’s the least we can do for the people who – day in and day out – are laying the groundwork to protect our freedom to safely and securely cast our ballots.

Seeing Green on Arbor Day

No matter our zip code, age, or party line, most of us know the importance of protecting our local nature in Wisconsin and - on Arbor Day - especially our trees.

Wisconsinites Deserve Fair Maps

No matter our zip code or party line, most of us in Wisconsin can agree that voters should choose their elected officials - not the other way around.

A Tale of Two Tax Plans

Imagine what our neighborhoods would look like if we had all that we need. That’s a future that Governor Tony Evers has envisioned.

Election Clerks: People we Know, Neighbors we Trust

The harassment of the people who help Wisconsinites turn in their ballots and have their voices heard must stop. You can call your state legislature today, at 1-800-362-9472, to tell them enough is enough.

Reflecting on Two Years of COVID-19

March 11, 2022 marks two years since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. But a lot has changed since early March 2020.

What We Know: We Need Roe

Across race, religion, and economic status, we can all agree that the freedom to make personal health and medical decisions should be made between patient and doctor - nobody else.

International Women’s Day: It’s Time to Show Up for Women

MADISON, Wis. — Across gender, race, and zip code, we can all agree that women have shaped our history. This International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the trail-blazing women who have fought hard for the freedom to vote, abortion access, racial equity, and so much more. On March 8 and beyond, we are thanking the […]