Tim Michels Says He Would Ban Emergency Contraceptives, Taking His Extremism to New Level

MADISON, Wis. — Republican candidate for governor Tim Michels said at a recent GOP gathering that, in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned and Wisconsin’s 1849 criminal abortion ban still on the books, he would also ban emergency contraceptives in the Badger State if he were elected governor. Michels’ comments were reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and an audio clip of his comments obtained by A Better Wisconsin Together is available HERE.
In the audio, Michels says he’s 100% pro-life, and when asked his thoughts on contraceptive pills said “they’ll be illegal in Wisconsin” should he be elected governor.
“In his own words, Tim Michels has told us his extreme plan – he opposes any exceptions to Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion ban for rape or incest and he has now declared he would go even futher and ban emergency contraception,” said Joanna Beilman-Dulin, research director at A Better Wisconsin Together.
Michels is notorious for being one of the most extreme right-wing politicians running for office in Wisconsin, but his comments on banning access to contraceptive care paired with his intent to force victims of rape and incest into giving birth is a next level dangerous threat to Wisconsinites who can become pregnant.
His recent statements caught on recording are just one example in a long line of regressive rhetoric from Michels. Despite several nation-wide polls showing that a majority of Americans, including more than half of Wisconsin residents, support access to comprehensive reproductive care, Michels remains out of touch and living in the past.
“Most Wisconsinites believe politicians like Tim Michels have no business making decisions about if, when or how someone becomes a parent. While his campaign staff may try to spin away what Tim Michels said, it’s his own words showing how extreme and out of touch he is with the rest of us,” Beilman-Dulin concluded.