A Better Wisconsin Together Statements on the George Floyd Anniversary

MADISON, Wis. — Two years ago today, George Floyd – a Black man, a father, an irreplaceable member of his community – was ruthlessly and senselessly murdered by police officer Derek Chauvin in our neighboring state of Minnesota.
Below are statements from A Better Wisconsin Together:
“Today and every day, we stand in solidarity with those expressing their outrage, sadness, and frustration in the now two-year wake of the murder of George Floyd, and as so many other Black men and women each and every day who face racial discrimination and violence perpetrated against their communities.
“Silence and inaction are not an option. We need to listen to and lift up the voices of Black Americans, and as impactful allies, we need to be actively anti-racist. Time is long over-due to reject white supremacy, reject violence against communities of color, and demand an end to the systemic, institutional racism that permeates our nation.
“Too often the people entrusted to serve and protect our communities have unjustly detained and even killed Black and Brown people. This injustice is compounded when, on too many occasions, those responsible for the deaths of Black and Brown members of our communities are not held accountable.
“While Derek Chauvin’s murder conviction last year is appropriate, it is not a cause for celebration. That it takes a global movement to take one step towards accountability is a fundamental reminder that the current unjust system does not work for too many in our communities.
“Nothing can change the fact that George Floyd should still be with us today. Nothing will ever replace that loss. But fundamental changes to our justice and policing systems are how we will be able to achieve tangible change in the future.”