Court Hearing Reveals Shocking Lack of Oversight of Republicans’ Costly Sham Election Review
A top aide to Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos revealed a shocking lack of oversight of the costly sham review.
A top aide to Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos revealed a shocking lack of oversight of the costly sham review.
This week, a panel of judges stood behind Wisconsinites and decided that every one of us deserves the freedom to safely cast a ballot.
After a long two years of living through the economic hardships of a pandemic, hope for a fiscal recovery is on the horizon in Wisconsin.
“Fake electors were part of a coordinated, right-wing election sabotage scheme,” commented A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch.
There’s a lot on the line in Wisconsin’s elections this year, making it imperative that every voice – across all backgrounds, zip codes, and income levels – is heard.
The sham inquiry into the long ago decided 2020 election run by Michael Gableman is showing it has a voracious appetite for tax dollars.
Assembly Republicans’ voting this week to put concealed guns in schools, in churches, and the hands of teenagers undermines that freedom and simply makes no sense.
Just a few weeks ago we celebrated the new year, looking forward to 2022. But if some politicians get their way, we could be headed back to 1849.
No matter our race, religion, or economic status - we all deserve the freedom to make personal health and medical decisions ourselves.
MADISON, Wis — As Americans, we value our freedom. The freedom to have a say in decisions that impact our lives. Today, as the senate debates our fundamental freedom to vote, citizens across different zip codes, races, and age groups have something in common: we need our elected officials to defend that freedom. Our Senate […]