Category: Uncategorized

OP-ED: What’s at Stake for Abortion Access This Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month. It’s the month of important issue days like International Women’s Day, and Abortion Provider Day. It’s also the month that, 174 years ago, Wisconsin’s criminal abortion ban - that leaves no exceptions for rape or incest and criminalizes doctors and nurses who provide abortion care - was signed into law.

ICYMI: Dan Kelly, In His Own Words

In a series of blog posts, which he unsuccessfully tried to erase from the internet, Kelly opines at length on topics ranging from abortion to Social Security, and repeatedly demonstrates he does not share the values or the views on the issues of the vast majority of Wisconsinites.

Right-Wing Extremist Embraces Dan Kelly

Scott Presler, an extremist, right-wing social media influencer who promoted the January 6 insurrection, traffics in QAnon conspiracy theories and has worked with the “largest anti-Muslim group in America” has a new project, promoting Dan Kelly.

There’s A Lot To Celebrate This Presidents’ Day

In 2020, Wisconsinites turned out in record numbers across zip codes and demographics to demand change. This Presidents’ Day, we are celebrating the myriad of changes that President Biden has brought across our local communities in the nearly three years since.

Governor Evers’ Budget Puts People and Progress Over Politics

Gov. Evers’ new biennial budget is one that will put more money into middle class pockets, ensure fully funded schools, address mental health needs, lower healthcare costs, support our local communities, nurture a cleaner environment, create family supporting jobs, and further protect our freedom to vote.