STATE BUDGET: A Better Wisconsin Together Statements on Assembly Republicans Failing to Pass the Budget Wisconsinites Deserve

MADISON, Wis. – Republicans in the state Assembly today had an opportunity to pass a budget that includes what Wisconsinites deserve – from affordable childcare and healthcare, to a middle class tax cut, family supporting jobs, a repeal of the unpopular and antiquated 1849 near-total abortion ban, and more. Instead, they voted for a regressive, bare bones budget put forth by Republicans on the state budget committee that fails to meet the moment for Wisconsin families.
“Assembly Republicans have once again chosen to play partisan games instead of working across the aisle to pass a bipartisan budget that works for every Wisconsinite,” said Mike Browne, deputy director of A Better Wisconsin Together. “Despite Assembly Democrats offering amendments that would encompass the budget Wisconsinites endorsed when they re-elected Governor Evers last fall, right-wing legislators have made it clear that their own self interests matter more than the will of the people.”
Among what could have been passed in the budget today, if not for rejection by Assembly Republicans, is:
- Full Medicaid expansion
- Child Care Counts
- A middle class tax cut
- Paid family leave
- Fully funded K-12 schools and universities
- Marijuana legalization
- Clean water
- Reproductive freedom
“Instead of uniting around popular policies like affordable childcare, equitable access to healthcare, and tax savings for average Wisconsin families, state Republicans have once again chosen to play partisan politics with funds that could otherwise make Wisconsin a better place for all of us to live and thrive,” Browne said.
Governor Evers and legislative Democrats worked hard to produce a budget that delivers for every Wisconsinite, but were met with obstruction and push back from Republicans at every turn. From northern Wisconsin all the way to Madison, we deserve better.
Call your legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 and demand that the state budget is one that works for all of us in Wisconsin.