Category: Uncategorized

A Better Wisconsin Together Announces New Resource Exposing the Sham Election Review

MADISON, Wis. — Every day there’s a new twist and turn to the blundered Republican sham election review, led by disgraced ex-justice Michael Gableman. With that in mind, A Better Wisconsin Together is launching a new website with a comprehensive documentation of the ongoing failures of the sham election review. The never-ending sequence of lies and […]

Rebecca Kleefisch’s Recently Announced Leadership Team Displays Serious Failure of Judgement

he alarming behavior by Rebecca Kleefisch is starting to pile up. Instead of sharing a plan to address the pandemic, she divides, distracts, and blames others. She has sprinted to the hard right, adopting unpopular, damaging positions, including advocating for a 6 week abortion ban, similar to the law recently enacted in Texas. Now, she continues to show who she is by the company she keeps. We deserve leaders who advocate for family-supporting policies, not champions of the right-wing disinformation brigade.

Rebecca Kleefisch’s COVID-19 Plan: Ignore It

It’s telling that most of what Rebecca Kleefisch has said about her plan to address COVID-19 is about what she wouldn’t do. Wisconsinites are looking for leadership and a clear plan, not blame and deflection. It’s becoming obvious what the Kleefisch plan to address COVID is—ignore it.

A Better Wisconsin Together Applauds the Release of the People’s Maps; Encourages Legislature to Enact Them Into Law

MADISON, Wis. — On Thursday, the People’s Maps Commission released draft maps for Wisconsin’s Assembly, Senate, and Congressional districts. After a lengthy and transparent process where thousands of Wisconsinites were able to make their voices heard in the community districting process, this is a big first step towards passing fair maps. After a period of additional […]