Category: Uncategorized

Extreme Agenda of Right-Wing Ron DeSantis Falls Short in Wisconsin

Ron DeSantis - the far right extremist governor of Florida currently trying to measure up as a 2024 Republican presidential candidate - brings his radical roadshow to Wisconsin today to speak at a Marathon County GOP event. But recent state election results show DeSantis’ MAGA agenda consistently falls short at the ballot box in the Badger state.

Right-Wing Members of State Budget Committee Miss the Mark on Workers’ Rights

Restoring workplace freedoms for thousands of workers and increasing retirement security for employees of small businesses could have taken a step towards becoming law today. But, action earlier this week by the Republican majority on the legislature's budget committee is preventing a vote, or even debate, on these proposals included in Governor Tony Evers' budget plan.

Wisconsinites Deserve a Budget that Prioritizes our Freedom to Vote

Today, the Republican majority on the Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) - the legislative committee currently considering the 2023-25 state budget - will vote to strip more than 500 provisions from Governor Evers’ proposed budget. Among the measures getting the ax by Republicans are automatic voter registration and several other changes to help Wisconsinites make their voices heard in elections.

Workers’ Memorial Day: Workers’ Rights are Human Rights

A Better Wisconsin Together stands in solidarity with those who are fighting to strengthen workers’ rights and ensure safe workplaces for all, and encourage all elected officials in Wisconsin to pass legislation that protects Wisconsin workers.

OP-ED: Biden is Building a Better Wisconsin

In 2020, Wisconsinites turned out in record numbers across zip codes and demographics to demand change. Now, local communities across Wisconsin are reaping the benefits of historic, progressive changes that President Biden has delivered on - and it’s important that we continue to build on that work.

A Packed Day of Skewed Priorities from GOP State Legislators

Today, the GOP-led state legislature devoted time to Republican-authored bills and proposals that would make it harder for Wisconsinites to access affordable healthcare, would revoke essential benefits from Wisconsinites who have lost their jobs, and would support a tax scheme that delivers massive benefits to the highest incomes at the expense of the rest of us.

Demanding Action on Earth Day

This Earth Day, there’s a lot of environmental items in Gov. Evers’ budget that Wisconsinites can encourage our local legislators to support.