A Better Wisconsin Together Applauds Workers First Bill Package

MADISON, Wis. — Today, Democratic state legislators introduced the Workers First package, a group of bills that will increase the quality of life for Wisconsin workers, raise wages, mend the state’s workforce shortage, and undo years of damage done to workers’ rights by state Republicans.
“When Wisconsin’s workforce is adequately supported, we all benefit,” said Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together. “Whatever the job, we should have the freedom to have our voices heard in our workplace, earn good wages, and have family-supporting benefits. With this bill package, Wisconsin would take a step in the right direction.”
Among other things, the Workers First package would:
- Reinstate collective bargaining for public employees so that Wisconsin workers can have a say in their wages, hours, and conditions of employment;
- Make it easier for Wisconsin workers to organize together;
- Prevent wage discrimination against women and other protected classes;
- Allow local governments to have more of a say on matters of the minimum wage and family medical leave.
“To make comprehensive workers’ rights a reality in Wisconsin, we need our elected representatives to fight for it,” Walloch said. “Right now, workers across the state are unduly suffering due to years of right-wing politicians playing partisan politics instead of siding with Wisconsin workers. We applaud those who have stepped up to introduce these bills, and hope that their Republican colleagues will finally take action on protecting workers’ rights.”
Together, we can demand that good wages, workplace safety, and high quality benefits are fundamental freedoms for Wisconsin workers. Call your legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 and demand they stand up for workers’ rights.