Tag: Column

Make Your Voice Heard, Register to Vote!

There’s a lot on the line in Wisconsin’s elections this year, making it imperative that every voice – across all backgrounds, zip codes, and income levels – is heard. 

The Choice is Ours: 1849 or 2022?

Just a few weeks ago we celebrated the new year, looking forward to 2022. But if some politicians get their way, we could be headed back to 1849.

Investing in the Care Economy Benefits Us All

Together, we can make child care more affordable, more sustainable, and higher quality, supporting both the families and providers. That alone is a reason to make this investment. But we know the data shows there’s more than that. The investments in the care economy from President Biden and Democrats' American Rescue Plan and Governor Evers’ budget proposal will create jobs and ensure that all our communities are a good place to raise a family.

A Feminist Budget Proposal

Every year, around the world on March 8th, women and their allies gather in protest and solidarity for reproductive justice, equal pay, healthcare, safety against sexual and domestic violence, and many other issues that affect women around the world. This year in Wisconsin, we’re unifying around Governor Evers’ budget.

Time to Move Forward Together

We won’t just tackle the crises created by the last government, but genuinely make Wisconsin a place where everyone can thrive. We picked our leaders, and now, together, we’re going to make our future.