Wisconsin Recount Will Reveal What We Already Know—Voters Chose Joe Biden

MADISON, Wis. — The basis of our democracy is that the people pick their leaders — our leaders don’t pick their voters. Wisconsinites turned out in record numbers despite an out-of-control pandemic and deliberate attempts to suppress their voices and ultimately made their will clear. As in every other election, our trusted local officials have counted and verified every vote. It’s clear that Joe Biden got more votes, 20,600 more. It’s time to move forward together and address the COVID-19 crisis by helping families and small businesses whose economic well being has suffered in this pandemic.
We all can see it: COVID-19 rages in Wisconsin, the hospitals are near capacity and food banks are struggling to meet demand. Instead of handling the pandemic, Trump and Wisconsin Republicans have chosen to delay, distract, and raise campaign funds to pay off Trump’s campaign debt. The recount is another effort to delay the inevitable and distract from this administration’s failure to protect us in a deadly pandemic.
Said A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Nicole Safar, “It’s no surprise Trump is still trying to divide our communities, targeting the counties where the vast majority of Black, Latinx, and AAPI voters live in an attempt to invalidate their votes. Like Wisconsin Republicans before him, Trump hopes this division will discredit the Black, Indigenous and new American voters concentrated in Madison and Milwaukee, and sow doubt about our election. We all know it won’t change the outcome. We applaud the voters who overcome barriers to make their voices heard and the work of local election officials who have ensured the integrity of the election, the counting process, and now this recount.”
Ultimately, Wisconsinites elected Joe Biden by 20,600 votes, and the Trump campaign’s desperation won’t change anything. Wisconsin is ready to move forward. “We will swear in our chosen leaders and unite in service of our common goal — tackling the COVID-19 crisis and ensuring all Wisconsinites can thrive,” said Safar.