Rebecca Kleefisch’s COVID-19 Plan: Ignore It

MADISON, Wis. — From before Rebecca Kleefisch’s campaign even officially began, her lack of preparation to tackle the COVID-19 has been obvious. While acting as the President of the 1848 Project, she put forward an empty agenda for the state. It hardly mentioned the challenge and tragedy that has most defined the last year and a half for Wisconsinites. With more than 8,000 Wisconsinites and 700,000 Americans dead from COVID-19, Kleefisch hasn’t seen fit to share her plans to deal with the pandemic since officially launching her campaign.
In contrast, Governor Evers has listened to public health experts’ guidance from the start and ran one of the best vaccine rollouts in the nation, making every effort to keep Wisconsinites safe.
A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch commented, “It’s telling that most of what Rebecca Kleefisch has said about her plan to address COVID-19 is about what she wouldn’t do. Wisconsinites are looking for leadership and a clear plan, not blame and deflection. It’s becoming obvious what the Kleefisch plan to address COVID is—ignore it.”