OP-ED: Many to Thank in Fair Maps Victory for Wisconsinites

On February 19, 2024, Governor Tony Evers signed into law new and fair state legislative maps, bringing hope for an end to over a decade of Wisconsinites’ frustration as Republican politicians rigged state legislative districts so they could hold onto power, obstruct action on popular policies, and avoid accountability at the ballot box.
This is a huge win for the people of Wisconsin and a testament to the power of organizing and advocacy.
This critical step forward for fair maps would not have been possible without the new majority of justices on the Wisconsin Supreme Court giving fair maps their day in court and ordering that new maps – that are up to constitutional standards – be adopted.
When the state Supreme Court struck down the GOP gerrymander as unconstitutional and required new maps to be put in place, the days of rigged maps were numbered – and the case for fair maps would never have made it all the way to our state’s highest court if not for years of hard work from local advocates and Wisconsinites who have stood up and demanded a truly representative government that listens to our voices and acts according to what we, the people, ask for.
The maps signed by Gov. Evers are a more accurate representation of our communities than the maps submitted to the court by Republicans and right-wing intervenors – which, after thorough analysis, independent redistricting experts deemed a blatant partisan gerrymander.
We owe a huge thank you to the progressive majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, local advocates, and progressive leaders like Gov. Evers for ensuring that the people of Wisconsin now have a renewed chance for competitive elections and a truly representative government for all.