OP-ED: Fundamental Freedom to Make Our Own Reproductive Health Decisions Remains Under Threat from Extremists

Across zip code, race, and gender, Wisconsinites have made it clear over and over again that we want safe and legal access to abortion care in Wisconsin.
But, even before a right-wing U.S. Supreme Court majority overturned the Roe v. Wade decision that protected the right to abortion care, Republicans in Wisconsin and nationwide have been trying to pass laws that interfere and obstruct people’s ability to make their own reproductive health care decisions – and in 2024, they’re still trying.
Just last week, it was reported that presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump already has plans in place to gut abortion access should he be elected in November. Meaning, the same person who openly bragged about his MAGA packed court overturning Roe v. Wade is still trying to take away people’s rights and allow state politicians to interfere in our private reproductive decisions.
And try they have in Wisconsin, with Republican state legislators not only trying to use a law from 1849 to justify banning abortion, but once that effort failed, passing a restrictive abortion ban just last month. GOP lawmakers stooped to a new low in a floor debate on their abortion ban, with one Republican – Rep. Joel Kitchens – comparing people’s reproductive autonomy to animals he treated as a veterinarian.
The good news, though, is that we also have leaders working everyday to protect our reproductive freedoms. Governor Tony Evers has vowed to veto the GOP abortion ban and any other bill that threatens Wisconsinites’ access to abortion care.
In November 2023, Democratic state legislators introduced the Reproductive Freedom Act – a bill package that aims to restore, protect, and expand reproductive rights in Wisconsin.
At the federal level, Vice President Kamala Harris kicked off her Reproductive Freedoms Tour right here in Wisconsin last month, promising that the Biden Administration will continue to use their power in office to protect abortion access for all.
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, too, has vowed to stand up to GOP extremists and protect Wisconsinites’ access to reproductive healthcare, including access to contraceptive care.
It’s time that GOP politicians join their Democratic colleagues in standing with Wisconsinites’ freedom to make our own reproductive healthcare decisions free from political interference.
You can reach your state representatives here, 1-800-362-9472, and your federal representatives here, 202-224-3121, to demand that there’s no room for politicians in our exam rooms – and don’t forget to also thank leaders like Gov. Evers, Democratic legislators, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, and the Biden Administration for standing up for our reproductive freedoms.