On First Anniversary of the Respect for Marriage Act, A Better Wisconsin Together Applauds New Legislation to Protect Marriage Equality in Wisconsin

MADISON, Wis. — A Better Wisconsin Together is applauding bills introduced this morning by state legislative Democrats that would protect marriage equality under the Wisconsin constitution. Notably, today also marks the one year anniversary of President Biden signing into law the Respect For Marriage Act, a bill championed by Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin that requires all states to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.
“The freedom to marry who we love is a basic freedom that should not be denied to anyone,” said A Better Wisconsin Together Communications Director Lucy Ripp. “As we commemorate the anniversary of the Respect for Marriage Act, we are thrilled to see lawmakers at the state level taking proactive measures to strengthen and protect the rights of LGBTQ+ Wisconsinites.”
Polling shows that an overwhelming majority of Wisconsinites support the right to same-sex marriage, and our elected lawmakers have a duty to pass legislation that their constituents support. Call your state legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 and demand they embrace a Wisconsin where we can love who we love without interference from politicians.