National Speak Up for Victims of Sexual Abuse Day: What AG Kaul’s “Track-Kit” Initiative Means for Survivors, Public Safety

Sexual abuse survivor Jack Nunnery started National Speak up for Victims of Sexual Abuse Day – celebrated annually on October 18 – to encourage fellow victims to speak up and seek justice.
In Wisconsin, an initiative from Attorney General Josh Kaul is creating more space for survivors to do that. Earlier this year, Kaul launched a statewide Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System called Track-Kit, where survivors can get up to the minute information on the status of their kit as it makes it way through the justice system.
AG Kaul’s victim-centered approach is a breath of fresh air amid ongoing dialogue around public safety. With programs like Track-Kit in place, not only do survivors of assault have more of a voice, but it also addresses crime lab backlogs and helps ensure that offenders are brought to justice in a timely manner.
Any approach to public safety should both prioritize the empowerment of survivors and push for offenders to be held accountable – AG Kaul has shown Wisconsinites that he is delivering on that philosophy.
Track-Kit is also a show of governmental transparency, letting survivors know that they can come forward because the Kaul administration is keeping good on a promise to seek justice for crime victims in Wisconsin – no matter what.
You can contact the Attorney General’s office today at (608) 266-1221 and join A Better Wisconsin Together in thanking AG Kaul for standing up for survivors.
If you or someone you know has experienced sexual abuse, you have resources. The National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673) is completely confidential and open 24/7.
You can also visit the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault webpage for a more comprehensive list of resources across the state.