Desperate Republican Attempt to Retain Power Spurs Attack on U.S. Capitol

MADISON, Wis. — The U.S. Capitol has been breached for the first time since 1814, when the British burned the building during the War of 1812. Today, rioters, encouraged by the President have engaged in an act of domestic terrorism in the U.S. Capitol, one of the most visible symbols of democracy around the world.
This action, perpetrated by an angry, armed mob, is a consequence of decades of attacks on democracy and months of lies about the legitimacy of the November election from Republicans, appeasing a President who has been desperate in the face of his loss.
We, the people joined together throughout the fall to elect Joe Biden and deliver a government that will provide opportunities for everyone to thrive. Despite these attacks, we will swear in a new administration and continue the fight to deliver a genuine democracy.
A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Nicole Safar commented, “This is happening because of the encouragement of some Republicans and the silence of others who fed lies about this election in order to undermine the will of the people and desperately attempt to hold onto power they clearly do not deserve.”