Category: Uncategorized

A Better Wisconsin Together Applauds Workers First Bill Package

Today, Democratic state legislators introduced the Workers First package, a group of bills that will increase the quality of life for Wisconsin workers, raise wages, mend the state’s workforce shortage, and undo years of damage done to workers’ rights by state Republicans. 

Rebecca Bradley and the Case of the Questionable Conflict

Rebecca Bradley declared she was “not available on August 4th” to join the state Supreme Court in discussing plans for a recusal task force and more open and transparent court proceedings. However, according to records obtained by A Better Wisconsin Together, Rebecca Bradley’s calendar for August 4, 2023 is and was completely empty.  

ICYMI: Republicans Rushing Another Regressive Tax Giveaway

A Republican tax scheme on the fast track in the State Assembly is the latest in a series of proposals skewed to send most of the benefits to the wealthiest, according to a report on an analysis from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP).