A Better Wisconsin Together Stands with Unions Taking Legal Action to Restore Workplace Rights Struck by Republicans

MADISON, Wis. – As unions from across the state have now filed legal action to restore their rights in the workplace – like negotiating fair pay and advocating for safety on the job – A Better Wisconsin Together stands in solidarity with their ongoing efforts to secure what should be guaranteed rights for all Wisconsin workers.
The following are statements from Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together:
“Everyone deserves the basic right to negotiate with their employers on things like fair wages, benefits, and workplace safety – and to know that their hard work allows them to support their families. But due to laws passed by greedy politicians, who for years have put their partisan motivations above what’s best for Wisconsin families, not every worker in Wisconsin is afforded the same rights at work.
“Wisconsin is strong when our unions are strong, and we all – whether we’re represented by a union or not – benefit from those who are willing to fight for our freedoms and demand that workplace rights include all workers.
“Union advocates secured Wisconsinites a 40-hour work week, paid time off, retirement benefits, and so much more – proof that when we come together to demand action and accountability from our leaders, we can accomplish great things.”