A Better Wisconsin Together Slams Assembly Republicans for Packing up Early, Leaving Much Undone for Wisconsin Families

MADISON, Wis. — With 10 months left to go in 2024, Republican lawmakers in the Wisconsin Assembly are declaring they intend to call it quits for the year – more than a month before the last general business floor period listed on the legislature’s official calendar. Led by Robin Vos, Assembly Republicans’ decision to pack up their toys and go home early leaves droves of important work undone on critical issues like child care, paid family leave, and more.
“Wisconsin families are the ones who will ultimately pay the price for Assembly Republicans skipping out on their work early,” said Mike Browne, deputy director of A Better Wisconsin Together.
Among the legislation ignored by Republicans before heading home early is a comprehensive Paid Family and Medical Leave bill introduced by state legislative Democrats that would ensure all workers across the Badger State who provide for their families have the time to care for themselves or for their loved ones when needed – without worrying about losing their job or making ends meet.
In addition to paid leave, below are more issues critical to Wisconsinites that Republicans either ignored or blocked completely this legislative session:
- Funding proposed by Gov. Evers to ensure child care is more affordable and accessible to Wisconsin families;
- The Reproductive Freedom Act, introduced by Democratic legislators to protect and expand reproductive rights in Wisconsin;
- Health care expansion proposed in Gov. Evers’ budget to ensure every Wisconsinite can see a doctor when they’re sick;
- Clean drinking water, PFAS clean-up, and long overdue accountability for corporate polluters;
- Legalizing marijuana;
- Expanding postpartum Medicaid coverage for new mothers.
“Republicans’ early end to the year is a clear sign that these right-wing legislators care more about helping themselves than helping Wisconsinites thrive,” said Browne.
Yet, while Republicans’ inaction is disappointing, it certainly isn’t new. We’ve seen this idle obstructionism out of our state’s GOP before, but together, we can use our voices to demand it doesn’t happen again.
Call your legislator at 1-800-362-9472 and let them know that the issues we care about in Wisconsin cannot wait.