A Better Wisconsin Together Comments to Wisconsin Election Commission December Meeting
Thank you to the members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), Administrator Wolfe and staff for holding this meeting today on the report of the recent Legislative Audit Bureau.

MADISON, Wis. — The December meeting of the Wisconsin Elections Commission today included a discussion of a Legislative Audit Bureau report that concluded the 2020 election was free, fair and secure.
A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch submitted the following comments to the Commission, thanking those members of the Commission, along with the WEC staff and local election officials, who helped make the election a success and highlighted additional future looking measures to protect the freedom to vote in Wisconsin:
Thank you to the members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), Administrator Wolfe and staff for holding this meeting today on the report of the recent Legislative Audit Bureau.
The primary conclusion of the Audit Bureau’s report is that the 2020 November election was free, fair, and safe. This conclusion is possible thanks to a majority of the Commissioners, along with dedicated WEC staff, local election administrators and citizen poll workers who did an exceptional job protecting our freedom to vote, under the trying conditions of a global health pandemic.
Voting is how we have a voice in key decisions on issues like jobs, healthcare, the quality of roads we drive on, and the education our kids can receive. And most of us believe that, regardless of where we live in Wisconsin or what we look like, we should have the freedom to vote and participate in that decision making.
As the Elections Commission today considers report of the LAB, we urge you to keep in mind the critical importance of protecting the freedom to vote in Wisconsin and the steps that can be taken protect it, including:
- Pursuing Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) to improve the accuracy of our voter lists and make registration more accessible to voters;
- Training poll workers to keep them up to date on the latest election policy changes to best serve voters in their communities;
- Having a ballot curing process making it clear to voters what steps they need to take to ensure their vote is counted;
- Improving accessibility, such as curbside voting and voter assistance so voters with disabilities, of all ages, who face numerous barriers to voting, have the freedom they deserve to cast their vote securely and safely;
- More funding for elections so recommendations to improve voting can be successfully implemented; and
- Protecting ballot drop boxes which help ensure that voting is safe and accessible to all.
Despite the challenges, we the people were able in 2020 to make our voices heard in our elections. You deserve our appreciation.
Thanks for all you do.