A Better Wisconsin Together Applauds State Democrats’ Introduction of Paid Family and Medical Leave Bill

MADISON, Wis. — A Better Wisconsin Together is praising a comprehensive Paid Family and Medical Leave bill introduced this morning by state legislative Democrats that would ensure all workers across the Badger State have the time to care for themselves or for their loved ones when needed – without worrying about losing their job or making ends meet.
“Nobody should be forced to choose between having a family supporting income and being there for their baby’s first smile, caring for a sick family member, or healing from an injury or illness. This legislation will help Wisconsin make that a reality,” said Lucy Ripp, communications director at A Better Wisconsin Together.
Regardless of where you work or what your family looks like, paid family and medical leave affects everyone, as we all will need to provide or receive care at some point in our lives.
Not only is this a policy issue that impacts all of us, it’s also extremely popular. More than 70% of Wisconsinites support comprehensive access to paid leave. Yet, Wisconsin Republicans have historically refused to join their Democratic colleagues in supporting Paid Family and Medical Leave for all Wisconsin workers.
While legislative Democrats are working to ensure working families have the tools they need to succeed, Republicans are focused on all the wrong priorities, like tax breaks for corporate donors.
“Things like comprehensive paid family and medical leave and affordable child care are essential to a healthy workforce and thriving economy, not more tax cuts for the wealthy,” said Ripp.
Call your legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 and demand they stand with Wisconsin families by supporting comprehensive Paid Family and Medical Leave – because we all deserve to care for ourselves or family and to know our jobs are safe when we are able to return to work.