Special Education Day: Our Kids Deserve Fully Funded Public Education Programs

MADISON, Wis. — December 2 marks Special Education Day, the anniversary of our nation’s first federal special education bill being signed into law. It’s also a great reminder that our elected leaders have an obligation to ensure our schools’ special education programs have the funding and resources needed to excel.
Yet, due to Republicans in the Wisconsin state legislature refusing to properly invest in our schools last budget cycle, more than 80 school districts across Wisconsin were forced to put referendums on the ballot in last month’s midterm election – many of them just to afford basic necessities.
“Every kid in the Badger state should have equal access to high quality public education,” said Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together. “But it’s clear that when our kids need it most, Republicans in the legislature are choosing to look the other way.”
Gov. Evers’ 2019-21 budget included the largest ever increase in special education funding – and his newly proposed budget for 2023-25 would increase special education aid by $750 million, a move that would double the special education reimbursement rate over the next two years.
However, Republican legislators have indicated they will not support Gov. Evers’ bold plan for Wisconsin schools.
You can call your legislator at 1-800-362-9472 and demand they support our governor’s plan for fully funded public schools, and fully funded special education in Wisconsin.