Republicans Advance Bill That Would Enshrine Their Anti-Equity Agenda into State Constitution

MADISON, Wis. — A Better Wisconsin Together is condemning Assembly Republicans for advancing a constitutional amendment today that seeks to undo protections for BIPOC Wisconsinites and undermine progress towards a more welcoming, just, and inclusive society.
“The constitutional amendment advanced today is another in a long line of GOP attacks on efforts to make sure Wisconsin is state where everyone has the tools they need to be successful, no matter their race, zip code, faith, who they love, or how they identify themselves,” said Lucy Ripp, communications director of A Better Wisconsin Together.
Not only would the advancement of this bill engrain into our state constitution a rolling back of protections for BIPOC Wisconsinites – grossly ill-timed during Black History Month – it also would allow Republicans to dodge accountability, as constitutional amendments bypass the typical governmental checks and balances and do not have to be approved by the governor.
“For most of us in Wisconsin, Black History Month is a time for reflecting on the past, celebrating progress, and recognizing that more work must still be done to ensure Wisconsin is a place where Black communities can safely thrive and are guaranteed equal rights and freedoms,” said Ripp. “For Wisconsin Republicans, it’s business as usual to continue advancing their extreme and unpopular anti-equity agenda.”
Call your legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 and demand they stand with BIPOC Wisconsinites, not just during Black History Month, but all year long by opposing Assembly Joint Resolution 109 and any other attack on equal rights and freedoms for all.