Republican Legislators Cut Mass Transit Aid for Wisconsin’s Largest Cities and Fail to Expand DMV Access
Any serious effort to fix worker shortage includes making sure people can get to work

MADISON, Wis. — Despite an influx of revenue to the state, Republican legislators in Wisconsin’s Joint Finance Committee took an axe to Wisconsinites’ transportation options. They halved the mass transit aid to Madison and Milwaukee, making public transit more difficult in Wisconsin’s largest cities. Suburban and rural voters were not spared, however, as GOP legislators declined Governor Evers’ proposals aimed to make it easier to access services at the Department of Motor Vehicles, like renewing drivers licenses.
Wisconsin has faced a worker shortage since before the pandemic, with companies and talent opting for other states. Modern infrastructure and reliable transportation across our state is a key step towards making Wisconsin a great place to start a business or find a good job.
A Better Wisconsin Together Deputy Director Mike Browne commented, “Instead of putting Wisconsin on the path towards a vibrant economy and good jobs for our residents, Republicans are taking us down a dead end, with vindictive cuts to public transit and insufficient access to the DMV. There is a better roadmap forward, and it includes supporting Gov. Evers’ budget plan that invests helping workers get to work.”