Rebecca Gets Real: In Recent Speech Candidate Kleefisch Reveals No Limits to What She’d Do to Try to Win Election

MADISON, Wis. — Republican gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch followed up a jaw dropping public refusal to commit to respecting election results she doesn’t like by, according to news reports, saying she’ll, “take a shower with steel wool” the day after the election because of what she’d do to try to win.
“This isn’t about Rebecca Kleefisch talking election tactics,” commented A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch. “This is about Rebecca Kleefisch telling us that she is not to be trusted and that there is nothing she won’t do in pursuit of her political ambitions.”
As reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, over the weekend Kleefisch was caught on tape giving a speech to a local Republican Party organization in which she revealed her election strategy. Showing that she knew how unseemly her upcoming comments would be, she asked, “If you are recording, I don’t want you to put this part online …”
Mere weeks earlier, in response to a reporter’s question, Kleefisch refused to commit to respecting the decision of voters in elections by leaving open the possibility that, if elected, she would allow the Republican-controlled legislature to cast the state’s Electoral College votes in presidential elections as they saw fit.
Walloch concluded, “Candidate Rebecca Kleefisch has shown us in short order that she has no respect for our votes and no values when it comes to trying to win an election.”