OP-ED: The Reproductive Freedom Act – Protecting and Expanding a Critical Right As Republicans Continue Campaign to Undermine Access to Abortion Care

On November 1, Democratic state legislators introduced the Reproductive Freedom Act – a bill package that aims to restore, protect, and expand reproductive rights in Wisconsin. The legislation, introduced by Sen. Kelda Roys and Rep. Francesca Hong seeks to stop politicians from interfering in decisions where they have no business and to help ensure Wisconsinites are provided with medically accurate information when making reproductive health decisions, including abortion care.
Even before a right-wing U.S. Supreme Court majority overturned the Roe v. Wade decision that protected the right to abortion care, Republicans in Wisconsin were passing laws to interfere and obstruct people’s ability to make their own reproductive health care decisions.
And just last month, Republicans in the state Senate passed a bill to fund an extremist, anti-abortion group that runs centers that purport to provide services to pregnant people, but oftentimes are not even staffed by medical professionals and mislead people with false information about reproductive health care.
Wisconsinites have said time and time again that we support the freedom to make our own reproductive health care decisions in consultation with a trusted physician. There’s no room for a right-wing extremist political agenda in our exam rooms.
Instead of continuing to interfere where they have no business, it’s time for the Republican politicians in the legislature to listen to our demands to have our right to make our own reproductive decisions, including seeking abortion care, respected and protected in state law.
Call your legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 and demand they support the Reproductive Freedom Act to restore, protect and expand reproductive rights in Wisconsin.