OP-ED: Remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Comes As We Face Renewed Challenges to Democracy

No matter our zip code, our age, or identity, all of us have and continue to benefit from the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his dedication to civil rights, voting rights, and so much more. More than half of a century later, his legacy lives on.
This year, A Better Wisconsin Together continues to call for our elected leaders to not just honor Dr. King’s memory and legacy with words, but also with action.
Now more than ever, as a new administration enters the White House in D.C. and a new state legislative session kicks off in Madison, we must continue holding our elected leaders accountable and ensuring that our freedom to vote is equally extended to every eligible voter.
Just last week, Wisconsin Republicans advanced a resolution that would alter the Wisconsin constitution and enshrine provisions to make voting more complicated. The proposed constitutional amendment would harm many eligible voters, especially older voters, rural voters, and voters of color.
We are also quickly approaching a new state budget season in Wisconsin, which brings fresh opportunities to ensure our local municipalities and election officials have the necessary resources to make our elections run smoothly.
In 2023, GOP legislators slashed Gov. Evers’ budget provisions that would have made voting more accessible and counting ballots more efficient – and Republican leaders have already indicated they intend to once again gut these important parts of the budget.
Dr. King dedicated much of his work to expanding the freedom to vote, and people came together in communities across our nation and across race and class to make that idea a reality. Decades later, we must continue doing that.
You can call your state legislators at 1-800-362-9472 or federal representatives at 202-224-3121 and demand they support legislation that expands, not hinders, our freedom to vote.