OP-ED: It’s Time for Republicans to Fully Fund Wisconsin’s Public Schools

As students across Wisconsin head back to school for a new year, most of us believe that all kids deserve to attend a public school that has the resources needed to provide them with a great education.
Wisconsin is known for its high quality public schools that rank among the best in the nation academically.
But in last year’s state budget process, our Republican-controlled legislature once again failed to provide Wisconsin’s public schools with the funds and resources they need to support our students and help local districts, big and small, succeed.
While hundreds of public schools were putting referendums on taxpayers’ ballots just to afford basic operating costs like keeping the lights on, state Republicans voted to cut Governor Tony Evers’ plan for public school funding that would have supported not only general operating costs but also specific, targeted aid to fit every student’s unique needs.
Time and time again, public schools in Wisconsin are left behind by Republican lawmakers who prioritize tax cuts for the wealthy over investing in the education of our future generations.
But as we head into a new school year and a new budget cycle, Republicans have a chance to do the right thing and finally invest in our public schools to ensure our classrooms, students, and teachers are well resourced and set up for success.
Call your legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 and demand they fully fund Wisconsins’ public schools.