OP-ED: Governor Evers’ State of the State Address an Inspiring Call to Action Amid Shift in National Politics

Governor Evers delivered his 2025 State of the State address on January 22, lifting up a much needed reminder that amid a shift in national politics that has left many Wisconsinites feeling uneasy, the state of our state is strong and our governor is committed to listening to the needs of voters and delivering on what matters most to us.
From lowering the cost of everyday expenses like prescription drugs, child care, and groceries, to creating new well-paying jobs and tax savings for middle class families, supporting K-12 education, boosting our kids’ mental health, protecting Wisconsinites’ right to access abortion care and birth control, and ensuring we all are safe in our local communities – no matter our identity or where we’re from – the vision Gov. Evers has unveiled for Wisconsin, and the many pieces his administration has already accomplished, is a future that every Wisconsinite can stand behind.
The governor also rightly pointed out that there’s more to do. We should all applaud his commitment to protecting our freedoms and supporting our efforts to build strong communities where our kids are safe from gun violence and where our diversity is respected, not exploited for partisan political gain.
Meanwhile, legislative Republicans refused to applaud even the most unifying, basic aspects of Gov. Evers’ speech, and have started the new year with distractions and misplaced priorities. Like, pushing dangerous abortion bans, trying to make it harder for eligible voters to vote, and focusing on tax giveaways to the wealthiest few that leave working families behind.
After years of playing the same political obstruction games, Wisconsin voters were fed up and legislative Republicans lost a historic number of seats in our legislature in the 2024 election – further evidence that it’s time for Republicans to put the petty partisanship and divisive politics behind and work with Governor Evers and their Democratic colleagues in building a better future for Wisconsin families.
As Gov. Evers said, “we can do better than doing nothing.” Call your legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 and tell them to join Gov. Evers and their Democratic colleagues in getting to work on the issues that are important to us.