Is Rebecca for Real? Kleefisch Announcement Devoid of Substance but Chock-Full of Division and Distraction
Wisconsin’s newest gubernatorial candidate runs away from her catastrophic record

MADISON, Wis. — On Thursday, former Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch officially launched her campaign for Governor, providing a preview of the type of campaign she is likely to run over the coming year. It’s quickly becoming clear that Wisconsinites can expect divisiveness, race-baiting, and a total failure to reckon with the devastation left by the Walker-Kleefisch administration.
A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch commented, “Wisconsinites want leaders who put our working families and their interests first and who unite us around our common goals—thriving communities, family-supporting jobs, and public education that helps our children grow into the best versions of themselves.
“Rebecca Kleefisch seems more interested in pitting communities against each other, stoking the flames of division with dog-whistles and race-baiting. It’s obvious that she’s trying to distract from her record, and there’s a good reason for that. The Walker-Kleefisch administration handed tax breaks to the wealthy and huge corporations while defunding our public schools, letting our roads and bridges degrade, and making it more difficult for working Wisconsinites to get by.
“Wisconsinites rejected those failures in 2018, and we can’t afford more mismanagement now. The coronavirus pandemic is raging on, and while the wealthiest have bounced back, most folks are still in the thick of it, risking exposure to a deadly disease while they work to make ends meet. Instead of division and distraction, we need elected officials that can meet this moment and deliver steady leadership and economic relief for working people. Her record begs the question: is Rebecca for real?”