In Closing Days of Legislative Action for the Year, State Republicans Continue to Turn Their Backs on Wisconsinites

MADISON, Wis. – Today, Republicans in the state legislature continued their obstruction on issues that matter to Wisconsinites. 

Senate Republicans began the day by passing a disingenuous PFAS bill that clean water advocates have said is not a proper solution to the issue at hand, as it includes provisions that let polluters off the hook. Assembly Republicans later in the afternoon passed a regressive tax scheme that experts have said will skew a majority of the benefits to the wealthiest while completely ignoring the needs of average working families. 

The tax scheme passed by Assembly Republicans today is a lackluster, GOP-authored replacement for Governor Tony Evers’ workforce package that would have made child care more affordable and expanded family and medical leave for workers, along with investments in higher education and reducing workforce shortages.

In response to GOP legislators’ busy day of day of voting against the interests of Wisconsinites, the following are statements from A Better Wisconsin Together Communications Director Lucy Ripp:

“State Republicans have had several chances now to take action on real solutions to issues facing Wisconsin families, like access to clean drinking water, affordable child care, comprehensive paid leave at work, and an economy that works for working families.

“Instead, they continue to waste time and resources on legislation that helps polluters dodge accountability for contaminating the local water supply and skews tax benefits to wealthy donors while working families are left behind. 

“Republicans in the legislature had a chance today to do what is right for Wisconsin families, for our climate, for our economy, and for future generations of Wisconsinites, but instead turned their back on constituents in favor of advancing their own partisan interests.”

Call your legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 and demand that Republican lawmakers end the partisan antics and work together on bipartisan solutions for real issues facing Wisconsin families.

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A Better Wisconsin Together is a state-based research and communications hub for progressives and is an affiliate of ProgressNow.