Category: Uncategorized

A Better Wisconsin Together Stands with Wisconsin UAW Striking Workers

As Wisconsin members of the United Auto Workers union join other workers across the nation in striking for fair wages, job security, and more, A Better Wisconsin Together stands in solidarity with their ongoing efforts to secure what should be guaranteed rights for all Wisconsin workers. 

OP-ED: Republicans’ Push to Impeach Justice Protasiewicz Is Both Unpopular and Unfounded. Wisconsinites Should Make Their Voices Heard.

This spring, Wisconsin voters turned out in record numbers to elect Justice Janet Protasiewicz in a landslide victory to our state Supreme Court. Now, instead of fixing issues Wisconsinites care about, some extremist Republicans are wasting time and resources in a push to throw away the outcome of that election - simply because they didn’t like what we said with our votes.

A Better Wisconsin Together Condemns GOP Attempt to Distract from Unpopular Impeachment Threats with Sham Redistricting Bill

Amid mounting proof that state Republicans’ effort to impeach Justice Janet Protasiewicz is extremely unpopular, Republicans are now attempting to shift the spotlight away from their still-active impeachment threats by trying to pass a bad faith redistricting bill that would keep the gerrymandered legislature in charge of how Wisconsin’s maps are drawn.

Poll Finds Wisconsin Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose Unconstitutional Impeachment

A statewide poll of Wisconsin voters, sponsored by A Better Wisconsin Together, finds overwhelming opposition to a scheme from some extreme Republicans to impeach newly elected Justice Janet Protasiewicz. According to results of the survey, conducted September 7-10 by the national award-winning polling firm GBAO, impeachment is opposed by a massive 24 point margin.

Assembly Republicans Hastily Pass Tax Plan Skewed for the Wealthiest

Assembly Republicans have voted to pass a regressive tax scheme that a recent analysis says will skew a majority of the benefits to the wealthiest, while completely ignoring average working families and the issues that Wisconsinites have demanded action on.