A Better Wisconsin Together to Hold Republican Leadership Accountable for Their Inaction

MADISON, Wis. — A Better Wisconsin Together (ABWT) is launching a digital campaign asking Republicans in the Wisconsin legislature to get to work, after more than 165 days of inaction amidst a global pandemic, a severe recession, and a historic movement for racial justice.
ABWT’s ad will run in digital markets across the state, calling on Wisconsinites to let their representatives know we deserve a legislature that has a plan to deal with the crises we are confronting. Said ABWT Executive Director Nicole Safar, “Wisconsinites are showing up to work every day, navigating the pandemic and the public health and economic fallout it created. We expect our public officials to come to work too — it’s time for Republicans in Wisconsin to get back to work.”
The Legislature last passed a bill on April 15, a COVID relief bill which Republican legislators promised would be a first step out of many. Now, 168 days later, more than 120,000 Wisconsinites have contracted COVID, more than 1,200 are dead, and Wisconsin has one of the fastest growing outbreaks in the country. 190,000 Wisconsinites are unemployed. Nearly 17% have suffered from food insecurity during this pandemic. None of these facts merit enough concern to Wisconsin Republicans to even try to pass legislation to help suffering citizens.
Safar commented, “The only action from Republican lawmakers is to criticize the Governor’s leadership and his efforts to keep Wisconsinites safe with a common sense mask requirement. They don’t have a plan and have only one play in their playbook, undermining Governor Evers. It’s time for these lawmakers to be accountable to their bosses — the people of Wisconsin.”