A Better Wisconsin Together Speaks Out on Importance of Ballot Drop Boxes as Oral Arguments Kick Off in SCOWIS Case

MADISON, Wis. — Oral arguments begin today in a case before the Wisconsin Supreme Court that seeks to once again allow voters in the Badger State to utilize secure ballot drop boxes to cast their votes.

In 2022, the MAGA-controlled state Supreme Court banned most use of ballot drop boxes, a ruling that created severe barriers for voters across the state, but especially for rural voters and voters with disabilities.

Now, with a state supreme court doing what Wisconsinites elected them to do – protecting our constitutional rights, including our right to representative democracy – A Better Wisconsin Together is hopeful that equal access to the ballot box will have a chance to be restored across the state.

The following are statements from Mike Browne, deputy director of A Better Wisconsin Together:

“Secure drop boxes are a common sense way to help people participate in their communities and hold those who govern in our name accountable.

“It’s not the place of politically-motivated MAGA judges and politicians to take that freedom away, yet prior action from right-wing judges and lawmakers have caused some of Wisconsin’s most vulnerable voters to bear the brunt of extremist attempts to hold onto power.

“Those we elect into office ought to be helping, not hindering, our ability to make our voices heard in our elections. Together, we must ensure that every Wisconsinite has a fair opportunity to cast a ballot and have their voice heard.”

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A Better Wisconsin Together is a state-based research and communications hub for progressives and is an affiliate of ProgressNow.