Wisconsin Families Win With Build Back Better Plan
President Biden and Democrats Unveil Plan Delivering Change We Demanded

MADISON, Wis. — Today’s announcement of a framework agreement on President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better agenda isn’t just fulfilling a campaign promise, it’s action on a plan that will help middle class families and working people in Wisconsin right now and in the future. According to details announced today by President Biden and Democratic Congressional leaders, they will soon be acting on legislation that addresses some of the biggest challenges facing families and the nation from affordable child care, health care, and housing to taking on climate change. The plan is funded by making corporations and the super wealthy pay their fair share.
“This is a big deal,” commented A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch. “President Biden and Democrats are delivering a plan that will restore some fairness to our economy, deliver freedom from skyrocketing costs for child care and health care so families can thrive and get our government working for our future.”
Components of the transformative legislative package include:
Investing in Children, Families and Caregiving that Grow the Economy’s Capacity with more access to early childhood education, lowering child care costs, child care tax credits and improving access to long term home and community care for those that need it;
Investing in Clean Energy and Combating Climate Change with more clean energy tax credits and investments in clean energy development and capacity building to investing in addressing extreme weather and cleaning up pollution in communities;
Affordable Care for Millions of Hardworking Americans by expanding Affordable Care Act tax credits and expanding some Medicare benefits;
Bringing Down Costs, Reducing Inflationary Pressures, and Strengthening the Middle Class with programs to increase housing affordability, invest more in financial aid for higher education, expand workforce training and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit for lower wage workers;
Asking the Largest Corporations and Highest Income Americans to Pay Fair Share by stopping profitable corporations from paying zero in tax and stop rewarding corporations for shipping jobs and profits overseas, enacting a new surtax on multi-millionaires and billionaires.
Walloch concluded, “Most of us believe no matter where you live or what you look like we all deserve a chance to prosper and lead healthy lives. But too often we’ve seen the super wealthy, big corporations and the politicians that pander to them stack the deck against us. Today, President Biden and Democrats are delivering on the change we demanded when we turned out in record numbers in 2020 to elect new leaders.”