VP Harris, Gov. Evers, AG Kaul are Doing What’s Right for Abortion Rights in Wisconsin

On a visit to Milwaukee last week, Vice President Kamala Harris said the Biden administration has Wisconsin’s back in dismantling the state’s 1849 abortion ban that leaves no exceptions for victims of rape and incest and criminalizes doctors and nurses.
Alongside Gov. Tony Evers’ call last week to take abortion rights out of the hands of politicians and instead give Wisconsinites the ability to vote to repeal the abortion ban – it was a breath of fresh air amid conservative politicians in Wisconsin who are actively working to take away people’s freedom to make decisions about their own reproductive healthcare.
Leaders like VP Harris and Gov. Evers are correct – the decision to have an abortion should never be made at the mercy of politicians or a 173-year-old law, but should be up to the person seeking the abortion – and a majority of Wisconsinites agree.
According to polling from Marquette University Law School, more than half of Wisconsinites are very concerned about losing their access to abortion and think that abortion should be fully legal in all circumstances.
As VP Harris put it, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul is using the resources of his office the right way by fighting an abortion law that was passed before women had the right to vote.
A Better Wisconsin Together stands with Gov. Evers in demanding that our state legislature does the right thing this Fall and protects the right to abortion.
You can take action today by calling your local legislator at 1-800-362-9472 ahead of the Oct. 4 special session and telling them to stand up for what a majority of Wisconsinites support – the freedom to make decisions about our own bodies.