This Valentine’s Day, Show Your Love to Local Election Workers
Sign Our Valentine

MADISON, Wis. — No matter where we live or what we look like, we can all agree that after a long two years of living through a global pandemic, economic hardships, and general uncertainty in the world, our local communities could benefit from a little more love in the world.
In 2022, with Valentine’s Day falling just one day ahead of what will be a crucial spring primary election for so many communities across Wisconsin, there’s one group of people who could use some extra admiration this February 14: our local election workers.
Whether it’s our city clerk, our friends and neighbors who help us navigate the process of registering to vote, the people behind the scenes printing our ballots, or the workers that staff our polling places and count our votes – they are putting in the work to ensure we all can have a voice in fair and free elections.
“Election workers across Wisconsin have long been putting in the hours and going the extra mile for voters in the Badger state, and the most recent election cycles have proven particularly taxing,” commented Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together. “Through public health crises and through countless attacks on the integrity of our elections and our freedom to vote, our local election workers continue to show up for us when we need it most.”
This year, you can return the favor by signing A Better Wisconsin Together’s Valentine to election workers across our state at