Statements on Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Verdict

MADISON, Wis. — The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, a young militant who armed himself and travelled from out of state to Kenosha, where he caused irreparable harm to his victims and their families, concluded today.
The following are the statements of A Better Wisconsin Executive Director Chris Walloch:
“Kyle Rittenhouse is a militant who armed himself, travelled across state lines, and caused irreparable harm to his victims and their families. These remain facts, regardless of what happened in a Kenosha courtroom today.
“Words cannot express our disappointment and dismay that Rittenhouse was not held accountable for what he did.
“We support the efforts of those in Kenosha and across our state who continue to work towards healing and building communities where all families are safe, all voices are heard, and everyone’s rights are respected.
“We denounce other militants, and the politicians and white supremacist groups who support them, continuing to try to divide us and to intimidate those who speak up for justice and their community’s needs.
“They will not succeed. We will hold them accountable. And we will stand together, as we have in the past, to work for a Wisconsin where everyone can be healthy and live in their community without fear.”