Remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Comes As We Face Renewed Challenges to Freedom to Vote for All

MADISON, Wis. — No matter our age, background, or zip code, we have and continue to benefit from the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His legacy lives on over a half century after his tragic death and this day of recognition for his life and his work comes at a critical time, as a white supremacist faction in our country moves to sabotage elections and undermine a fundamental part of Dr. King’s work, our freedom to vote.
The following are the statements of A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch:
“As we remember the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today, we face the threat of a right-wing faction, supported by certain politicians, actively working to sabotage our elections and undermine our freedom to vote in Washington D.C., in other states, and here in Wisconsin.
“This freedom for all Americans to express themselves and to have a say in their community through their vote was at the center of what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood for, worked for, and died for.
“While he was alive, Dr. King dedicated himself to expanding our freedom to vote, and we came together in communities across our nation and across race and class to make that idea a reality.
“Today, at this pivotal crossroads, we again have the opportunity to stand together and stand up for our freedom to vote.
“We call on all our elected leaders, and our fellow Wisconsinites, to not just honor Dr. King’s memory and legacy with words, but also with actions. We join in demanding passage of national standards to protect our freedom to vote and putting a stop to the efforts to sabotage our elections here in Wisconsin.”