Primary Election Day is One Week Away: Do You Have a Plan to Cast Your Ballot?

MADISON, Wis. — One week from today, during Wisconsin’s February 15 spring primary election, major decisions will be made about what our local courts, school boards, and municipal offices could look like this year.
You can have a say in those decisions by making sure you cast your ballot. Depending on where you live, exactly what and who is on your ballot – or if your city, town, or village even has a spring primary – will vary.
To make sure you’re ready to vote, visit to double check your polling place, voter registration status, and instructions on what to bring with you to the polls if you’re voting in person next Tuesday.
If you’re voting by mail but haven’t yet returned your ballot, now is a great time to drop it in the mailbox.
“There’s a lot on the line in Wisconsin’s Spring election this year,” said Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together. “We all have thoughts and ideas on issues that impact our families and communities, and all of our voices should hold equal weight.
“That’s why it’s imperative that every voice, across all races, income levels, and zip codes, is heard in the upcoming election. Together, we can be the change we want to see in our communities by exercising our freedom to vote and casting our ballots.”
After making your own plan to vote in next week’s primary, check in with those around you to make sure they, too, have a plan to cast their ballot.