OP-ED: Governor Evers’ Budget Puts Wisconsin Kids and Families First

In his state budget address on February 18, Governor Tony Evers unveiled a fiscal plan for the next two years that puts us first – with a priority on policies to help Wisconsin kids, families, and communities thrive.
Governor Evers’ proposed budget will not only ensure local K-12 public schools have the resources they need to keep Wisconsin kids safe, learning, and thriving, it also holds the line on property taxes. Over the next two years under the governor’s plan property taxes on the median value Wisconsin home would not increase, resulting in a tax savings of over $1 billion for homeowners statewide.
Republican lawmakers’ chronic under-funding Wisconsin’s schools year after year led to a record number of school referendums in 2024, and local families having to increase their own property taxes to help the schools in their community keep the lights on. Governor Ever’s budget plan would help stop that trend.
With lead contamination in Wisconsin schools on the rise, Gov. Evers’ budget would ensure no parent has to worry if the water their child drinks at school will cause them harm. And the governor’s plan on PFAS contamination will help make sure the water in our homes is safe too.
The governor takes care of the basics, making sure we take care of our infrastructure like roads and bridges and make sure high-speed internet is available statewide.
As rising costs continue to be a top concern, Governor Evers has plans to help by lowering everyday costs like child care and prescription drug prices, eliminating sales tax on electric bills and delivering tax savings for working and middle class families,
Governor Evers’ budget has plans to not just increase access to affordable health care, but also includes common sense initiatives to make sure that health insurers are clear with customers about what they will cover, and to help make sure it’s doctors and patients, and not insurance companies, that are in charge of making decisions about care.
The governor’s budget is more than a long list of numbers and calculations, it’s a statement of our Wisconsin values and a bold investment in our future. And now it’s time for Republican legislators to put their petty partisanship years past aside. Now is the time to do what’s best for our state and pass the most pro-kid budget in state history.