One Year of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – A Year of Historic Progress

MADISON, Wis. – One year ago today, President Biden signed into law the bipartisan Infrastructure Law, making historic investments in our nation’s roads and bridges, expanding rural access to high speed internet, tackling climate change, and protecting access to clean water.
“President Biden and our Wisconsin Democratic congressional delegation delivered a huge win for the people of Wisconsin with the passage of the infrastructure law last year,” said Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together. “It’s been the largest long-term investment in Wisconsin’s infrastructure that we’ve seen in recent years, not just investing in infrastructure and climate but also in our economy, by creating and sustaining well-paying jobs for Wisconsin families.”
Below are some highlights of how the Infrastructure Bill will spur long-term change across the Badger State:
- In 2021, there were over 900 bridges and more than 1,900 miles of highway in Wisconsin classified as being in poor condition. Within the first five years of the Infrastructure bill being signed into law, Wisconsin is expected to see more than $5 billion to repair our highways, and $225 million to repair our bridges.
- Data from the White House estimates that Wisconsinites spend over 62% of our time commuting to work, and BIPOC Wisconsinites are 5.9 times more likely to commute via public transit. The Infrastructure bill will invest $592 million over the next four years to improve public transportation options across the Badger State.
- When the Infrastructure Law was passed, 14% of Wisconsin households did not have an internet subscription, and 5.5% lived in areas where internet access is neither available nor affordable. Now, Wisconsin has been allocated $100 million to provide steady, affordable high speed internet across the state – especially in rural communities.
- Wisconsinites experienced 16 extreme weather events from 2010-2020 that cost our state more than $10 billion in damages. But under the Infrastructure Law, $20 million has been invested in Wisconsin communities to protect against extreme weather and wildfires.
- Last year, 10 million households and 400,000 schools and childcare facilities lacked safe drinking water. Now, under the Infrastructure law, Wisconsin is slated to receive $841 million spread over the next 4 years to improve the lead lines and pipes that carry our water – ensuring every Wisconsinite can turn on our sink and feel safe about the water we’re drinking.
“Fixing roads and bridges, expanding high-speed internet, tackling climate change, and ensuring we have clean water are the investments in our communities that Wisconsin has long-needed – and now those needs are being addressed,” Walloch said.
As we continue to see the benefits of the Infrastructure Law in the Badger State, join A Better Wisconsin Together in thanking President Biden, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, and Reps. Gwen Moore, Ron Kind, and Mark Pocan – who all voted ‘Yes’ to this bill last year and made this possible.