On Senate Floor, Wisconsin Republicans Continue Attacks on Our Freedom to Vote

MADISON, Wis. — No matter who or what we’re voting for, we can all agree that our freedom to vote should be fundamental in communities across America and right here in Wisconsin.
Today, GOP representatives in our state legislature will make a push for a slew of anti-voter bills that threaten that fundamental freedom. The bills would, among other cuts, make it more difficult for voters with disabilities to cast their ballots and bar election clerks from ensuring every ballot is accurately addressed.
The following are comments from Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together:
“While this most recent right-wing attack on our freedom to vote in Wisconsin is atrocious, sadly it isn’t new. For years and throughout countless election cycles, many elected Republicans have been relentless in their efforts to gatekeep the voting booth.
“But as Wisconsinites, we value our freedom. The freedom to have a say in decisions that impact our lives. So, today, as the state senate debates our freedom to vote, citizens across zip codes and party lines in Wisconsin have one thing in common: we need our elected officials to defend that freedom.
“The time is now to put pressure on those elected officials threatening to diminish our freedom to vote, and remind them of their duty to act on what best serves their constituents, not themselves.
“While we apply that pressure, now is also a great time to thank leaders like Governor Evers, who has doubled down on his commitment to stand up for Wisconsinites, announcing that he will use his elected position to veto any legislation that could hinder our freedom to vote.
“Able bodied voters, voters with disabilities, and voters of all races and backgrounds should have an equal voice in fair and free elections, and our elected officials should want that just as much as we do.”