On National Voter Registration Day, the Freedom to Vote is Paramount

MADISON, Wis. — Whatever our color, background, or zip code, in America we value our freedom. The freedom to have a say in decisions that impact our lives—from curbing the pandemic to creating jobs to making health care affordable. Our vote is our say in our collective future. With that in mind, today, National Voter Registration Day, is a great day to update your voter registration or remind friends and family members who may not be registered to do so.
This holiday is also an occasion to reflect on the attacks on our freedom to vote. The same faction that spread lies about COVID and the election, and fueled the deadly attack on our Capitol are trying to block the Freedom to Vote Act, which Americans across race, place, and political ideology support by huge margins. At the same time, Republicans in Wisconsin’s state legislature attempt to cement one of the most egregious gerrymanders in the nation, an act which could be preempted by the Freedom to Vote Act.
A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch commented, “Last year, we rose up to vote in record numbers. Now, we are coming together to demand that our leaders pass the Freedom To Vote Act, which would set national standards for us to safely and freely cast our ballots, ensure that trusted local election officials count every vote, and prevent state lawmakers from sabotaging our elections in order to take and hold power.”