Michael Gableman’s Second Report on Sham Election Review Proves One Thing: Biden Won the 2020 Election
Assembly Republicans are Getting Exactly What They’re Paying For

MADISON, Wis. — Following months of secrecy and incompetence, Assembly Republicans’ sham review of the 2020 presidential election continues to spin out of control. Yet, today’s release of Michael Gableman’s second interim investigative report has confirmed as truth what the rest of us have known the entire time: President Biden won the 2020 election, fairly and freely.
Below are comments from Chris Walloch, Executive Director of A Better Wisconsin Together:
“The so-called reports from this sham inquiry into the long ago decided 2020 election – led by Michael Gableman, Robin Vos, and other Republican cronies – continue to prove that this whole review process has been nothing but a massive waste of nearly $700,000 in taxpayer money, and a failed attempt to sabotage a fair and free election. This second report is nothing but sweeping accusations with no factual evidence behind it.
“In 2020, Wisconsinites showed up in record numbers to elect President Biden, and Gableman’s review has only solidified that. We’ve already witnessed in January of last year a failed attempt to overturn an election, and now we’re watching Republicans attempt to undermine Wisconsinites’ confidence in future elections, and there is simply no justification for it. It’s not just about 2020 anymore, it’s about 2022, 2024 and beyond.
“Any suggestion that the 2020 election, in Wisconsin or anywhere else, was anything but fair, free, and honest is based only on falsehoods and conspiracies. But despite Vos, Gableman, and other right-wing conspiracy theorists’ attempts to insult and undermine our democracy, our intelligence, and our elections, Wisconsinites know better.
“We know we can trust our election process, trust our election workers, and trust our election results. We know that Gableman’s review is nothing short of a mockery, and that most of us disagree with the hate, division, and obstruction that has plagued right-wing politics. When given the opportunity, most Wisconsinites choose progress, unity, and trust in our democracy.”