Legislation Introduced to Give Freedom for Frontline and Essential Workers to Bargain Together

MADISON, Wis. — State legislators and representatives of frontline and essential workers today announced the introduction of legislation allowing public employees to have input on working conditions and the freedom to bargain together with their employer over wages and benefits.
The following are the statements of A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch:
“We’ve been through a lot over the last year. As we build back, we need to remember how frontline and essential workers supported our communities and helped keep our economy going through a global health pandemic, despite the health risks to themselves and their families.
“These are the people that teach our kids, care for us when we’re sick, run and maintain our infrastructure and do so many other things to keep our communities running.
“We need to respect the work and value the workers that do it. Our laws and our government should be there to help us, not stop us from getting what we need on the job – a fair wage, good benefits and a safe workplace.
“Our frontline workers should have the freedom to use their voice on the job, to have input on their working conditions and bargain together on wages and benefits. This legislation will make sure that happens.